Oh My Gosh!!! Saint Joseph Illinois is a crazy place it is wacko!!!!!Right now as I am looking at it the temperature it is 73 farenheit here!!! I know it is crazy! It is still Winter and it is like summer.Like it is in Florida( now we are even TeaPot Sue you get a warm state but now it is warm here so ha ha!!!!!lol)Today I finally got to do something I have wanted to do but it has been toooooo coooollllddd outside... the moment 0f truth da da da!!!!RIDING MY AWESOME BIKE!!!!!!!!!I am sooo happy!I love it when I ride very fast and then I stop pedaling, just relax, and i pay attention to how good it feels for the wind to be flowing through my hair making it fly everywhere but also feels soo good! Maybe just maybe it will be warm for once for my birthday on March 18th( soo close can't wait!lol)Right now I am soo happy sweating in a pair of jeans and a horsey te-shirt.happy happy happy happy happy ! got to go my sister is pestering me to get of the addicting computer! seeya!lol